Pre-certification services

For those who are learning the RBT Task List for the first time, our thorough 40-hour training program will equip you to pass the Competency Assessment and help you navigate applying for the RBT exam with ease.

Our 40 Hour RBT Course pairs perfectly with our RBT Curriculum so you can exhale in knowing you have great instruction paired with a thorough resource for studying, learning and applying all things in the RBT Task List.

40-Hour rbt Course


For BCBA or BCaBA Candidates

Supervision doesn’t have to suck.

With our extensive resource library we balance structure, and variability when providing supervision to those pursuing the RBT, BCaBA or BCBA credentials. Supervision is provided in a hybrid model, with individual and group sessions monthly, with your cohort-mates from around the world.

Your supervision experience will be unmatched when utilizing our Supervision Curriculum Series written, edited, copyrighted and self-published by our team.

RBT Exam Prep


Once you complete the 40 Hour Course, and pass your Competency Exam, you still need to sit for the RBT Exam to make it official. We have built out out RBT Exam Prep Program so you can sleep better at night, and can feel as confident as possible.

Our team will work with you to sharpen your brain in 1:1 sessions, will practice mock exam questions with you, and can lead you through your studying using our RBT Curriculum and Full RBT Mock Exam.

BCBA/BCaBA Exam Prep

Supervision is complete, and your application is submitted.

As the exam approaches, self-doubt and fear arise.

Our exam prep course addresses these concerns, offering feedback on test strategies and identifying potential barriers. Utilize our data-driven study method, designed for accountability and self-management.